Donald Roberston is my favourite fashion illustrator. I discovered him through the mighty Instagram and now I avidly follow him, along with hundred of thousands of others, last count he was closing in on 200k.
It’s not surprising he’s so loved. His feed is a glorious mix of colour, energy, LA lifestyle and the hilarious antics of his kids. It’s all large tubes of colourful paint, expressive paintings bursting with energy, and poolside antics. All of this taking place in the California sun. I mean, what’s not to love?! Don’t take my word for it – have a look for yourself here.
Thanks to Instagram I spotted that he was in London for the launch of his book (its brilliant – buy it!) at one of London’s most stylish book stores, Maison Assouline. This is VERY dangerous place for book lovers like myself. It’s a mecca for my favourite subjects… art, fashion, travel and lifestyle. Needless to say, purchases are always made.
So I made sure I was on the guest list to this event – as there was no way I was missing out. And my stubborn ways paid off. As not only did I get to meet him but, best of all, I got to watch him draw on my copy of his book… my very own Donald Robertson! Is anything more wonderful than meeting someone who you not only admire but who you are also constantly inspired by? Answer? No! Needless to say I left loaded with books and a really, really big smile. Thank you Donald and thanks Instagram.