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For lovers of fashion illustration and travel – inspiring and capturing wanderlust.
Blog posts about my latest illustration work, exhibitions and my adventures, both near and far.

Farewell  Oscar. Farewell January.

Farewell Oscar. Farewell January.

Everyone who gets a dog, a cat, or indeed any pet signs a contract. That contract is simple.  You agree to your heart being broken when it’s time to say good bye.  The fear of this pain has put many a potential owner off. And I know it has stopped, or at the very least slowed down  previous owners, as the loss is vast and deeply painful. I said goodbye to my little Oscar this month, and despite knowing it was coming ( he was diagnosed with Cancer back in Summer 2023) it didn’t make it any easier. There are some things in life that are impossible to soften. And this for me was one of them....

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Recap 2024 –  for me it was the year of food illustrations

Recap 2024 – for me it was the year of food illustrations

I am fully aware that it is a cliché to do a year recap and reflect. But that is also the charm of January. I am not one to turn my back on a new beginning. I rather enjoy the leaning into the new with a fresh perspective. The turning of a page, a new chapter, I find it all rather satisfying. However, with that said, there is alway a great deal to learn by looking back. Part of being a creative is to keep evolving, and keep learning - and that requires some reflection. Spotting where there are gap's in my folio. These highlight opportunities that I may have previously missed, new areas I can...

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For The Love Of Live – Meagan De Lima x Caroline Tomlinson Illustrated T-Shirt

For The Love Of Live – Meagan De Lima x Caroline Tomlinson Illustrated T-Shirt

I was approached in early 2022 by Toronto based advertising agency, We Are Juliet to work on a creative collaboration. The agency were pairing musicians with illustrators who they felt were suited to each other. The brief was to capture the essence of the musician, with the final to be printed on a T-shirt.  The concert t-shirt for cancelled performances due to the lock down back in November 2020. With proceeds from each sale going to the musicians.  This is my limited edition illustrated t-shirt created for musician Meagan De Lima.. I wanted to create an organic, nature inspired piece. A...

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Choose Love 2021 Exhibition – with Print Club London

Choose Love 2021 Exhibition – with Print Club London

 - every sale 100% ped all consisted group         Choose Love was back in 2021 ! Over the last few months of 2021 - myself and many other talented artists were busy working on original artworks for the CHOOSE LOVE 2021 exhibition. Curated by Print Club London the group exhibition consisted of over 50 original artworks  - with each artist making their mark on the iconic Katharine Hamnett’s CHOOSE LOVE’ slogan .   All  the sales from the exhibition, and online sales through Print Club London, raise money to support the incredible work of the wonderful charity - CHOOSE...

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Behind The Scenes – The Art of Beauty – Stylist Magazine Collaboration

Behind The Scenes – The Art of Beauty – Stylist Magazine Collaboration

        After a long lockdown the reopening of hair and beauty salons is worth celebrating. And so is the opportunity to go out and get dressed up and apply some make up. I was commissioned to work with Stylist team and make up artists to create a story celebrating all things  beauty, using a combination ink & make up. Using a variety of materials and mark making methods - great moments were captured fully  embracing the use of colour and capturing an energy. A true celebration of a new Season . It. was a wonderful shoot, working with a very talented team. Here are some...

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Shortlisted for CA Illustration Awards 2021

Shortlisted for CA Illustration Awards 2021

A little piece of good news worth sharing - my fashion illustration inspired by Paris Fashion week has been Shortlisted for CA Communications Awards 2021 for Self Promotion Category.  Which is further proof if you draw what you love (in this case shoes) - good things happen.To see more of my studio and work in progress - click here.

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Spaghetti Magazine Feature

Spaghetti Magazine Feature

Spaghetti Magazine interviewed me from my studio in Shoreditch on how I stayed inspired after a year of no travel, what's next for 2021 and dream collaborations. To read the full interview, which is in Italian and English click here  And to watch a short film about why travels inspires me and a look into my studio click here. To see more of my studio and work in progress - click here.

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In Her Studio Magazine Feature

In Her Studio Magazine Feature

In Her Studio Magazine invited me to write a piece about my studio. My space has become a sanctuary for me over the years.A Different Kind Of SanctuaryOftentimes, images of what is deemed as, or sold as, a “sanctuary” are often all white and glass, containing curated bookshelves, a selection of perfectly mismatched soft furnishings, and plants that are in achingly stylish vessels. These images convince many that this is what a sanctuary should look like.   To say my studio has been a sanctuary, especially during these recent months, would be an understatement. And yet my studio looks...

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Illustrating Undressing

Illustrating Undressing

The Act of UndressingI used some down time at the of last year to begin a couple of personal projects I had been contemplating. Currently this project is very much a work in progress. But with so many inky sketches and prints, I decided to share the process and evolution. As I have been painting and drawing endlessly, enjoying a looser line. Much of my commercial work is predominantly lifestyle and fashion focused. So to counteract this I decided to strip things back. My aim is to look at producing a series which exploring the act of undressing. To capture the female form and the removing of...

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The beautiful Basset Hound illustrated- click here to shop all my dog prints.After 2020 - the year of lock down - the dog has become all the more present and vital to so many of us. They give us all so much love, laughter and purpose. Myself included. My daily walks with my little Oscar have always been a constant highlight in daily life. However, during 2020 they became far more necessary than just stepping out for some air and stretching legs. They became head space and sanity on a much larger scale than before. And so with that in mind I decided I would finally kickstart a project that I...

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    Perhaps one of the more playful of mailers is the annual illustrations and animations created for Halloween. This year I decided to do a mix of day of the dead stylish skulls. It convinced me that one of  2021's goals is a Halloween themed campaign for a brand. I could see these skulls being made into treats... I've already started manifesting.....fingers crossed.....🎃       

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To counterbalance all the crazy, and at time depressing news - my wonderful agents in the USA have each week, for the last three months been sending out a weekly mailer 'A Little Dose of Good News' .   Each week one of their artist takes over and selects current events with the aim to hopefully remind us that all is not so bad.   This time it was my turn. I captured the work in progress on my Instagram as always.  I illustrated articles on  Body Neutrality, repurposing expired beer for renewable energy and a thank you from Rio to its health care workers that made me smile.   I...

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The Summer of 2020 is one I think we will all remember, but for myself, it is definitely not for the usual Summer holidays. At the start of lock down, way back in early Spring (which to me feels forever ago...) I was invited to be included in two separate exhibitions, both focusing on Fashion Illustration. These wonderful opportunities gave me a creative outlet and focus, which in hindsight helped me focus on something beyond that madness of 2020. And perhaps most importantly two deadlines - and I now know there is nothing quite as effective as an exhibition deadline to keep a creative on...

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A little bit about me…

Caroline Tomlinson

Hello, Welcome to my blog. Here I share my thoughts, experiences and inspirations on my trips of wanderlust. Along with the highs and lows of my day to day of my working weeks.