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Food – Seafood Illustrations for UK Food Map for The London Peninusula


Food illustrations of seafood, created using ink and watercolour. As part of a larger ongoing project that encompasses the very best of food produce, with the aim to create a map of UK’s locations of the very best produce.

Food illustration of pears. Simple line and watercolour illustration of pears still life, loose inky lines and watercolour washes.

To see more of my food illustrations click here

Mackrel illustrated seafood watercolour and ink drawings and full colour Illustrations for a UK Food Map
Plaice, turbot and skate illustrated seafood watercolour and ink drawing. Full colour Illustrations for the best produce in UK as an illustrated Food Map
Crab illustrated - UK seafood watercolour and ink drawing. Full colour Illustrations for a UK Food Map

To see more of my food illustrations click here

Lobster illustrated - UK seafood watercolour and ink drawing. Full colour Illustrations fo
Produce illustration, an illustration of mussels, watercolour and ink drawings and full colour Illustrations for a UK Food Map.
Produce illustration, an illustration of clams, watercolour and ink drawings and full colour Illustrations for a UK Food Map.
Welks illustrated seafood watercolour and ink drawings and full colour Illustrations for a UK Food Map