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People Illustrated – Adrien Brody

People Illustrated – Adrien Brody

PEOPLE ILLUSTRATED – ADRIEN BRODY PERSONAL One of my favourite subjects to paint and capture – people. I have been busy painting some style icons. Mr Adrien Brody – a true  inspiration. To see more of my illustrated people in context – click...
Fashion – Women Sydney Fashion Week Illustrated

Fashion – Women Sydney Fashion Week Illustrated

Fashion – Women Sydney Fashion Week Illustrated personal A favourite subject of mine is drawing a diverse range of people, using inky brush strokes and lines to capture moments and movement. To see more of my illustrated people  here. To see more of my reels ...
Fashion – Women

Fashion – Women

FASHION -Women PERSONAL One of my favourite subjects to paint and capture – fashion. Capturing the shapes and movement with gestural brush strokes in ink. For more of my fashion work – click...